Guide by Staff Contributor
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Exit your cell, track down Raul Lionzo, exit prison and escape the cops in this action-packed mission.
Objective: Escape your cell
Look through your cell door window and hack the camera ahead. Follow the waypoint and move from camera to camera until you reach the camera in the control room. Hack into the system and unlock your cell.
Objective: Locate the survivor
You don't want to get caught in this prison as there are lots of guards patrolling. Takedowns are only for the brave here - it's much better to use cover. If a red triangle pops up it indicates a guard has seen you but you have a second or two to hide back in cover.
Go left out of the cell down the stairs on the right. Go through the office and left, pick up the item and you've completed the objective.
Objective: Access the network to view the exercise yard
Again, keep an eye out for guards. go straight ahead to the right of the stairs and make your way around the outer wall. Unlock the room around the corner on your left. Take cover behind the pillar and hack into the guard cameras until you see the guard walking down the corridor. This guard will enter a room to the right and you can hack into the main system again.
It's another hacking minigame. The point in the lower left should be turned once, then the point in the lower right three times. The upper left corner point should now be turned once, followed by the upper right point turned three times. The middle left point is timed and should be turned twice to unlock the middle point on the right, which then needs to be turned once. Now the far right point is unlocked.
Objective: Find the stadium survivor: Raul Lionzo
Objective: Get to the survivor in the basement
With control of the camera overlooking the yard, move your view to the left and hack the camera there. You'll be able to see Lionzo sitting next to the wall. Take control of the guard camera inside the room ahead and wait for him to walk to the far side of the room. Once he's done that, shift control to the guard camera on the left in the server room. Hack the device on the left hand side to unlock the main door.
Now you can either take the guard out when he turns his back and head down the hallway to the elevator (being careful to wait for the other guard in the room further down to turn his back) or make your way to the elevator under cover. This requires a little more timing.
Inside the elevator hack it and head to the basement. In the room ahead you'll find a gun and hack panel where you can access the camera in the next room. Access the camera on the far left and angle it to find another hack point on the right.
In the next room on the right you'll find a Focus Boost on the desk. Go through the next dor into the hallway and on the right is a double door that leads to a room full of guards.
Objective: Take out the corrupt guards
There's a laundry bin here you can use for cover. Methodically take the guards out but as soon as they are all down a heavily armoured guard will being to approach. When you see him run into the room on the right all the way to the end, turn around to the face the door. You'll see an explosive panel which you can hack and time to explode when he enters the room. Two more guards will enter and you can shoot them down too.
Objective: Confront the survivor
Objective: Exit the prison
Objective: Escape the police
In the room in the far corner you'll find electrical parts. Hack the door to start a cutscene then go down the stairs and through the left-hand door to find a care package for you.
Down the hall in the room on the right you get the Jam COMS on the table and an audio log to the left of the Jam COMS. Run to the parking garage and get in the car to the right. Speed down the ramps avoiding the police and hit the street. you now need to shake the police in hot pursuit before completing the mission.
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